Saturday, January 31, 2009

Swollen eyes

I'll tell you it's not fun to be hit with the tennis ball, travelling nearly at the speed of light, right on your eyes. It hurts. It really does. I knew what pain is, after quite few months. I was hit right on my right eyes. Why does everyone target my right eye? I got pencil poked in my right eye when I was in kindergarden and I still feel its effect since I am sure I am going to fail the eye test for driver's license. And now this shot just adds agony to the injury. Seven hours after being hit, I can still feel the pain and burning sensation in my eyes. And now I think, are my nerves really doing a good job? I mean, nerves are there to let your brain know what's going on and to protect you from any danger. I probably might have closed my eyes in a reflex, otherwise I would be in the hospital with only one eye and not typing this. So, nerves did a good job. My heartfelt thanks to them. But now that my brain knows that my eyes are swollen and that I was hit when I was not looking and was not ready, why doesn't it stop firing action potentials? Human body with all its intricacies and amazingly unbelievable coordinated system never fails to amuse me and I don't see any way how it could have been better but when it comes to this department of pain and sensations, I think it could have done a better job. They should stop firing action potentials and stop sending any signals for pain. What good does it do? This is one field that neurologists should work in the future. Alrite, I'm off to sleep. Writing this at 2:15 am with one swollen eye, that I have to struggle to even keep open, is not fun.

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