Friday, January 23, 2009

The level of weirdness

 I simply love the word 'weird' and my love for it was renewed after reading a journal of one of my friends. Even though I was really weird and weird thoughts hit the shores of my brain more often than did 'rational' thoughts, I always suppressed them. Now, I think there is no reason to do so. Gays have started asking for their rights and have received in many places actually and have made it clear that they are different, but they still are humans, one among us.
I am weird and have a rational mind too, which does not help me when I need it and I want it to be known. What if I am weird or claim to? I am different yet I am a human, and one among you. I will no more suppress my unorthodox thoughts about quatum consciouness through marijuana and other psychedelics, conspiracy of unnatural things against us and so on even though I can not promise that I can put down all my weirdness to paper so that you can actually see how weird I am, instead of claiming to be so, without giving any evidence

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