Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Moon is a waste of time and money

Alert: Anyone considering watching the Twilight saga-New Moon should know this before hand. This movie is a total waste of time and money.

I fell asleep several times during the movie. I do not even know why I went to see this movie. It was actually because my friend really wanted to see it and it was his birthday so, we could not opt for 'Men who stare at Goats'. The only incentive for me to watch this movie was the actress, who is somewhat beautiful.

There was no high point in the movie. People in theater seemed to be very bored. The script was borrowed from old style Bollywood movies  and sounded really silly and hilarious. I could not make any sense why Edward suddenly left Bella (on a fine day). And, how could he leave her in the middle of the jungle? If he wanted to leave her, at least he should have taken her safely to her home.

The movie was absolute nonsense. Warning: Do not watch it unless you do not have anything worth to kill your two hours. The hype created is overrated.