Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Most Gay Friendly Nation on the Earth

Which is the most gay friendly nation on the Earth? The same one that has the second happiest people among nations. Still clueless? Alright, the same country where Buddha was born. Not India, stupid. Buddha was born in Nepal despite the publicity stunt by Indian government to promote India as the birthplace of Buddha. Siddartha Gautam (original name of Lord Buddha) was born in Nepal but he achieved Enlightenment while meditating under a tree that is present in modern day India so rhetorically speaking, you could say although Siddartha Gautam was born in modern day Nepal, Buddha (Enlightened being) was actually born in the place that lies in modern day India. Oh and also, pronounce it as Buddha, not "Buda" as Americans say it. 'Buda' means old man while "Buddha" means knowledge. Anyway, what a tangential offshoot to begin with.

Back to discussion of Nepal being the most gay friendly nation on the Earth. You ask why? Here are my reasons:
  • It gives away national identity cards that have "third gender" category. Soon, we'll have third gender bathrooms. We don't even have sufficient public bathrooms.
  • It is openly promoted in international media as a lucrative, welcoming and safe destination for LGBTs in order to boost tourism from LGBTs. Even ordinary people don't feel safe.
  • It has an openly proclaimed LGBT representative in constituent assembly.
  • And now, Nepal becomes the first nation on the Earth to host a foreign gay marriage. , Even the United States of America, allegedly the most democratic nation on the Earth that values personal freedom and values is still grappling to allow gay marriage the same status as heterosexual ones.
And who performed the first foreign gay marriage? A Hindu priest. What are we seeing here? Globalization? Does Hinduism permit same sex marriage? I don't even know so I choose not to comment about it. But one piece of advice to the priest, "Well done, purohit baje. Must have received a handsome payment in return." Make Hay while the Sun shines. Our politicians are so engrossed in their own never-ending tussle of power. It was the fifth round of voting for new Prime Minister that failed, wasn't it? I would like to see it go up to at least a dozen, wouldn't you? At least Sunil Babu Pant is making a name for himself and is staying true to his cause by promoting what he believes in. The only politician who seems to be efficient at this time. Remarkable.

What if we are not seeing any perceivable economic development, this event signifies quite significant gender development in Nepal. To add it, Blue Diamond Society (society of LGBTs) awarded a cash prize of US $200 to the married couple. Wow! Last time the government only awarded a couple thousand rupees(<US $50) to promote an inter-caste marriage.

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