Sunday, October 4, 2009

What ASR Expects From The New University President

Association of Student Representatives(ASR) and representatives of faculty of Trinity University had a general meeting with the new president elect Dr. Dennis A Ahlburg on Friday, Oct 2. Lot of relevant issues were discussed and opinions were passed on about what the students and faculty expects from the new University president.

I attended the ASR meeting with the president elect who will be assuming office in January 2010 and was very impressed with his personality and openness. I have shaken hands with the outgoing president Dr. Brazil one time during the International Student Dinner Reception at his house. Besides that, I haven't really had any chance to interact with him. Lack of personal interaction between students and the University President has been an issue talked often in students circles and the student columns in the Trinitonian. Many ASR senators mentioned that they would like to see the University President become a part of their experience at Trinity.

Since it was a 'student-only' interaction, students poured out their expectations in response to what they expect from the new University President. Some wanted a pro-athletic president to facilitate increased recognition for student athletes while others wanted sustained financial aid and increased student services to international students. The expectations continued with students desiring to see a sustainability supporting president and a president who would be part of their experience and also conduct capital campaigns to finance the institutional infrastructures for a better qualitative education. Others desired a president who would make sure that the campus bookstore and the dining services are affordable. Student expectations did not end there, it just went on and on, disrupted only by end of the devised one hour period.

Clearly, his vision and decisions will profoundly affect the course Trinity University will take in the next decade or so. Amid these endless expectations, as an economist he knows better than all of us about the limitation of resources. If Trinity had infinite resources, it could fulfill all or most of the student expectations raised but sadly that is not the case. It has to prioritize to make optimum use of resources. But the question is, what is that optimum use of resources then?

If I were to answer it candidly, the most important goal/mission for him should be to guide Trinity to become a better institution, a better liberal arts college and 'push it to the front ranks of the nation'. This is a broad mission that would automatically incorporate many student expectations such as 'better athletic facilities/recognition, sustained support for international students, large endowment funds' and so on. The response of the ASR president summarized this in saying that she would like to see the new President conducting capital campaigns and increasing recognition of Trinity University across the nation. Both of these are linked to making Trinity University a better educational institution. This should be his top priority over all others.
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