As I was walking towards Halsell Computer Building to get my Linux Password for my Electric Circuits Lab, I was caught by a rather very interesting scene. I saw Trinity's Campus Security Officials giving out some kind of food. At first, I thought it was a temporary general food stall but as I gained closer, I was offered a bag of popcorn. I was amazed.
I asked them very frankly why they were giving out those pocorns. And they candidly replied, "It is to show that we are glad you students are here." Wow, what a sign of goodwill, I thought. I replied back, "We are also glad that you guys are here."
I had never seen so many campus security officials all at once at one place. I really appreciated the goodwill shown by them. After walking few steps away smiling out of amusement and still finding it hard to believe, I realized I had forgotten to take their picture. I was in a hurry. But when I came back the same way, it was over and sadly I could not take their picture. My gratitude to the DCS people at Trinity University. If this is an initiative by new DCS chief, then it is a very positive sign.