I am least efficient when I am in a meeting with someone, face to face trying to get my ideas across. Why? Because I have never really been an outspoken or articulate kind of person. I try to stick to emails because that way my lack of spontaneity is not exposed nor is my semi-perfect fluency of spoken English. But this whole week, I have been in so many meetings, often times in which I had a central role. Stumbled few times but I guess I am improving.
On Tuesday, I had a meeting with the Dining Services Incharge of Aramark, Miguel to talk about the possibility of bringing Indian food at Trinity University for students. I had not done any homework for the meeting, no research and didn't really know what to expect. Also, I wasn't very sure if he would outright reject it on the grounds of increased work for dining staffs and managers. Moreover, it has hardly been a year since they introduced the Sushi Kitchen, which indeed must have required a lot of preparations and work on their part. But he was totally thrilled.
He said, "Let's do it. Why not? I am always open for possibilities."
That was easy, I thought. How wonderful to have a manager like that? Now we have to figure out what kind of cuisines, how spicy, and what flavors to bring. He requested for our inputs in trying to identify the possibilities and have an idea of what works best for test-buds of Trinity Students. In fact, Trinity University used to have an 'International Home Zone' where they used to serve food from all over the world. And this was only 4/5 years ago. According to him, there should not be any bureaucratic hurdles from his seniors, which is a very good news.
I suggested him bringing some naan, paneer, chicken curry and other cuisines as we go along. I am very much excited about this and believe it can be started as early as next semester if things work out well.