Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter Jubilee

I wrote this blog-post as part of Official Student Blogger Program for Trinity University.

I love cultural events at Trinity University. There's so much off-campus food, some authentic, others not quite authentic but, off-campus food nonetheless. My attendance and volume of audience at most of these events  depends on advertisement about authenticity of off-campus food. And, if it's Indian food, the crowd just swells.

Trinity Diversity Connection, the umbrella organization for all cultural clubs at Trinity University organized a Winter Jubilee cultural event, the grand cultural event to seal off Fall semester. And, it was great. Several cultural clubs were present and there was an extensive variety of delicacies and cuisines. It's events like these that make me realize how diverse really Trinity is. When I see Indian girls creating beautiful mehndis (heena) designs on other students' palms, it reminds me of large international student body that constitutes more than 10% of student body. 

I ate a lot of food, and ate marsh mellows for the first time, but can't say I would want to try it in future owing to its sticky nature.