Friday, December 11, 2009

Engineering Christmas Party

Written as part of Official Student Blogger Program for Trinity University.
I don't celebrate Christmas because I am a non-Christian and I don't usually publicize my religious affiliation but my parents are Hindu and I love my parents. But, at every chance I get, I join others to share happiness and eat good food. You got it, it's again about authentic off-campus food.

Contrary to what people like to believe, engineers do take off time solving differential equations to relax and enjoy. Evidence: Christmas Party organized by Engineering Department. And, most of the food was home-cooked, some by professors' wife (makes you realize how much professors care for you) That's unique about a close-knit community of Trinity University.

                                 (Moody Blues singing. From left, Tasha, Trey, Dr. Leifer)
I assisted in setting up the party since I work as an Electrician Shop Assistant for Engineering Department. The food was really good. My plates were full of rice (Basmati) and chicken curry cooked by Dr. Mahbub's wife (Please, accept my thanks). It was a good break from intense pressure that we students are feeling during this Final exam week. And, to add value to the party, Moody Blues (led by Dr. Leifer) recited Christmas songs and an original composition by Caroline that made fun of engineering and engineering professors, in a good way. Everyone laughed and enjoyed.