Sunday, February 20, 2011

Revolutions in Arabian World and Trinity

What a way to write my 200th post. There couldn't have been a better time. The Arab world has woken up and have led revolutions for democracy. This will certainly add new chapters in political science books in trying to define democracy and how a revolution is waged. It's no longer waged by elites or opposition parties. A new model has come into place where youths with little or no prior political experience are using social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google to launch organized demonstrations. Who would have thought that the internet could have been used this way? I am very excited about what has happened in Tunisia and Egypt and is still happening in Bahrain, Yemen and Libya yet saddened to hear about Gaddafi's monstrous atrocities. How can anyone order its security forces to open fire on its own people? Did the world not already make it clear that we don't want any Hitlers no more?

If I were in Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, China or Iran, I could have blogged about the mass protests and situation on ground. Fortunately, I am in the U.S. shielded from violence and influence of repressive regimes writing this in the cozy air conditioned "dorms like palaces" of Trinity University. What a contrast!

Talking about stories on campus, I am glad to see the improvement in the Trinitonian's quality of articles. Also, Dr. Ahlburg has set aside some time from his busy schedule to hold Open Door Hours to talk to students and faculty. What a positive gesture by the University President, will serve him good at a time when the Trinitonian published a story chronicling his criticism in a review by Leeds Business School of Colorado. Someone had sent me that review several months ago in comment section on my blog. I thought it still reflected positively on Dr. Ahlburg since he seemed to care more for undergraduates than graduates or faculty, according to the review. 

Another story in the Trinitonian was bashing the ASR for missing the deadline to send a proposal for student activity fee increase. ASR is finally getting a lot of attention on campus, not for good reasons this time though. ASR is facing a tough time in allocating resources properly. Maybe it can start by cutting back on funding for the Trinitonian. The Trinitonian probably receives the biggest chunk of the Student Activity Fee and the difference between what it asked for and what it received last year was the least for it compared to other organizations. It can certainly survive by increasing its advertisement and doing better marketing. Besides, there are always piles of unread Trinitonians in Coates, Mabee, Chapman, MMS and almost everywhere until Thursday. It can try to be wiser by printing only the amount that is demanded. Simple economics. Plus it will also add to our goal of trying to be green. Why print more than is read? 

Btw, I am planning to apply to work as a photographer for the Trinitonian. So, please Trinitonian staff, don't read this post. If you do, don't make it count against me because this is just an unbiased opinion of an anonymous author who does not want to be associated with his real name for anything expressed here.

Will write more about both external and internal revolutions in the coming days. Take lite!

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