- Cell-phone battery : Full
- Laptop battery: Full
- Flash-light within reach
Status: Good
At 10pm sharp (in less than two hours), there will be a power cut at Trinity University that will cut off power virtually to entire campus. According to Residential Life's email, this power outage is scheduled to allow "preventive maintenance to Trinity’s electric system". Power will be restored at 7am in the morning.
Power outage was an everyday activity when I was in Nepal. We used to experience power outage daily and in dry season, it would spike as high as 16 hours a day. When I came to America, I was surprised to see that a nation with power demands several times greater than Nepal did not have to execute power outages or "load shedding" (as popularly known). I found it hard to believe when one of my friends told me that the last power outage he knew of, had occurred some 17-18 years ago.
Power outage at Trinity will make me less worried than homesick. Since it is Winter and more than 99% of students are in their homes (away from Trinity), most of them will not even know about it. For a power-outage veteran like me, this experience will merely be a blip. Nonetheless, I look forward to an all-American style power outage :D