Look at the picture above which is just outside Mabee, closer to McLean Residence Hall. The flowers look beautiful, don't they? We all love flowers. But look closely and you will see that branches of these bushes protrude out on the pavement. So, if you were to walk from Mabee to McLean (which I do several times a day), you would have to dodge them or risk contact which could be dangerous since they are in line with your eye level.
The problem becomes worse if there are people walking in opposite directions towards each other and there is a vehicle on the road which rules out the option of stepping off the pavement and using it. The movement is halted since space is simply not enough for both parties to walk and yet maintain a safe distance from these bushes. Physical Plant is doing great work with mowing lawns, keeping grasses good length, clearing pavements of any dry leaves and cleaning Northrup glass windows which look shine proudly under luminous lighting at night. I mean we all love these flowers but it would still look beautiful if Physical Plant were to trim it a little to make movement easier on these pavements.