Madhesis have been repressed and now that they have realized and want equal rights, Pahadi leaders, not Pahadis though, think this is unjust and rather dismiss as some sort of revolution to disintegrate the country. But Madhesis will not sit back and watch this time. We have resources. We have brilliant minds. Dim-wit Madhesi leaders just don’t represent us. Only if we had one leader, by leader I mean a leader, justice would have been done. Whole Madhes would have supported him/her wholeheartedly unlike these dim-wits, selfish, irrational leaders who cannot look beyond their own personal differences, let alone have a vision for Madhes to take Madhes forward. We need change. Change has seemed to come in the US. Let’s just hope this wave of change will strike the southern plains of Nepal too.
ur mind is surely one of those...