Monday, February 18, 2008

A nepali's woes

Nepalese hearts are being filled with sheer frustration. Walk on the roads and you see the frustrations emanating from their expressions. it could be either waiting in the traffic jams to clear out as soon as possible or it could be waiting in the endless queues for petrols or diesels or it could be waiting for the electricity in their homes or office so that they can watch their favourite programs on TV or complete their projects or reports.
i just returned from a place about 2 km from my home. but see the condition of public vehicles, they are filled with people , literally crammed in there with no space to even place your feet properly. the conductor keeps on yelling "Ali uta sarnus na" (please make some more space) while even a fool would know no more space can be created without asking someone to step out, probably someone huge so that space can be made for more than one person. the reason- the scarcity of petroleum. motorcycle owners not used to travelling by micros or buses were finding it especially difficult and were venting their anger at our leaders. i overheard one of them "these all are same. jun jogi aye pani kanai chireka". the exasperation on their face gave a very bad impression of the condition of Nepal. Even gentlemen dressed in suits and gentlewomen, seemingly from high class families were seen walking on foot. Amazing, they too have not got fuel. if the fuel had been available, i am sure they would have been ready to pay even double the actual price.
Day before yesterday, i met my office dai who works as the book store's helper. he always met me with a smile on his face but on that day, something was wrong. he appeared sad and wore a sullen face. i approached him and asked what's the problem. he replied that his gas cylinder had emptied in the morning while his wife was cooking food. he searched for the gas cylinder around his nearby stores but all of them said that if he deposited the money, it was likely that he could get one within a month. he asked me if i could get him one. i wondered,if the Nepalese government couldn't, how could I? he then went on to say that he had his lunch at one of his friends' house.
"But how long can I expect him to feed me? Moreover, i do not like to have my food at my relatives or friends' house. I have a 11 month old son who has to be fed with milk every now and then. we can manage with beaten rice and sugar but what about my son." he too vented his anger at the leaders of our country.
"If only I had a gun.........." he added.
i was moved by his feelings and the problem that he was facing. but there was nothing that i could do. i too had bought my gas cylinder just a week ago after waiting for a week after initial payment. But fortunately, during one week, i had all of my meals at one of my friends' place. Lucky me. But not every one is as lucky as me.
Today, while i was sitting in the Sun outside of my house, i overheard few women saying that their gas cylinder too had emptied completely and had bought kerosene for 100 rupees per liter! That's awesome I thought. Nepalese people have become so rich. 100 rupees per liter? that's even expensive than petrol or diesel. they have income just sufficient to eat, no savings. what's going on in Nepal?
think about the plight of students of Nepal. Whenever they sit to study in the evening, ...........power is gone before they have even completed one page of their homeworks. Many students work in the afternoon after their college in the morning. consider their situation, they can study only in the evenings and late hours. Nepalese government is not doing justice to them at all. We have 8 hours of load shedding every day. we have power cuts for 4 hours every day in the evening save for one day. how pitiable. And listen to the statements by the Electricity Authority Chief's statements, "load shedding will continue for the next five years because even if the planned hydropowers are completed we won't have supply by then". another statement says that even if those hydropowers are completed, we would still have laod shedding hours during rainy season. Why do we boast that we are the second richest country in water resources when more than half are devoid of clean drinking water?
Why do we boast that 83000 MW of hydropower can be generated when not even 1% has been generated?
Nepal can become rich by selling its hydropower to big power giants India and China. It souds s0 hilarious to Nepalese people nowadays.
Industries are on the verge of being shu down. many have already halted their production and sent their workers home for indefinite periods.
Infaltion is much much higher than the growth rate of Nepalese economy.
As a youth,i dream of creating a new Nepal, A Prosperous Nepal, A self Sufficient, Independent Peaceful Nepal. But every day i wake up, i find my dream is moving away from me. I am afraid that one day that dream can move so far away from me that i may not be able to reach it.

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